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The Psychology Of Self-Motivation: How Does It Work?

It is not easy to be a self-motivator. Why? Because you are the one who wakes up in the morning, conscious of all the flaws you have. In fact, it is almost part of human nature to focus on the critical parts instead of the positive, because it seems to be the way we are wired.

When it comes to motivating other people, it is much easier. For some reason, you have no problem getting other people excited and positive, but the moment you have to internalise that motivation, something goes wrong.

The only way to change this is by changing the way you approach the world, and yourself. You are the one who needs to start looking at your abilities in a more positive life, and at least once in a while, forget that you are not perfect.

If you want to become a self-motivator, there is a very old saying you have to grasp in every sense of the world. You have to love yourself. Just like a relationship is going to be riddled with problems when one or both individuals are insecure, the same rule applies to you and your life.

You have to get into a position where you respect and love yourself. You have to be proud of the decisions you make, even though they aren’t always the right ones. And you have to be able to forgive yourself when it seems completely impossible.

Whether you want to believe it or not, you are your own worst enemy. And if you think successful people got their self-confidence from those around them, think again. Regardless of how good they look or the money they have, it was their “approach” to life that made others notice them. It is their natural self-motivation, acting like a magnet and pulling in more motivation from others.

In other words, if you are waiting for motivation from strangers, don’t expect it to happen anytime soon. Because motivation ALWAYS starts from inside.

So, if you want to master the art of self-motivation, start giving yourself compliments instead of being internally criticising. Pay attention to your inner-dialogue, and do your best to curb all those negative thoughts.

You are the only one that can control how you feel and when you feel it. And the sooner you realise this truth, the quicker you’ll be on your way to becoming a great self-motivator.


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